Sunday, June 20, 2010

[19.02.2010]Resolution on Wage Revision adopted in Bhopal CEC Meeting


above devellopmentt fforced BSNLEU and tthe UF tto reviive tthe callll ffor

ttwo days sttriike.. The sttriike tthatt ttook pllace on 19tth and 20tth Augustt’’2009 drew

ttremendous response ffrom tthe workers iinclludiing tthose bellongiing tto NFTE and

FNTO.. There iis no doubtt tthatt tthiis sttriike iis a miillesttone iin our ttrade uniion

movementt.. However,, NFTE and FNTO iinfformed tthe managementt iin wriittiing tthatt

tthey were nott parttiiciipattiing iin tthe sttriike.. Thus tthey have creatted an iindelliiblle sttaiin

on ttheiir uniions..

Even afftter tthe sttriike,, managementt conttiinued tto drag iitts ffeett,, wiitth tthe

hope tthatt BSNLEU woulld succumb tto tthe pressure and acceptt a tten years wage

settttllementt.. However,, BSNLEU was dettermiined nott tto acceptt tthatt condiittiion..

Meanwhiille NFTE and FNTO sttartted campaiigniing among tthe workers tto ffiillll up

decllarattiion fforms accepttiing tthe tterms and condiittiions off tthe managementt on

wage reviisiion.. However,, workers gave a ffiittttiing replly by iignoriing tthem..

The dettermiinattiion off BSNLEU and Uniitted Forum,, nott tto surrender tthe

iintterestt off tthe BSNL non-executtiives ffiinalllly compelllled tthe managementt tto come

around ffor a settttllementt.. Thus,, a broad understtandiing was reached iin tthe

meettiing off tthe Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee,, helld on 17-11-2009.. Managementt

gave up ttheiir iinsiisttence ffor a tten years wage settttllementt.. Botth siides agreed tthatt

tthe nextt wage reviisiion off tthe non-executtiives woulld be done ttogetther wiitth tthatt off

tthe executtiives..

IItt ttook ffew more weeks ffor ffiinalliizattiion off tthe new pay scalles,, siince tthe

scalles proposed by tthe managementt diid nott conttaiin suffffiiciienttlly llong spans tto

avoiid sttagnattiion.. Because off tthe ttough bargaiiniing made by BSNLEU and tthe

UF,, settttllementt on pay scalles was reached iin tthe meettiing helld on 15-01-2010..

Agreementt on recommendattiions off tthe Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee was siigned

botth by tthe managementt and tthe sttaffff siide on tthatt day iittsellff..

IItt iis perttiinentt tto menttiion here tthatt wage reviisiion iis sttiillll nott settttlled iin many

majjor PSUs.. Hence,, tthiis meettiing off tthe CEC congrattullattes tthe CHQ ffor ffiinalliiziing

tthe bestt possiiblle wage reviisiion under tthe giiven ciircumsttances.. Thiis CEC allso

pllaces on record iitt’’s ffullll appreciiattiion ffor tthe Ciirclle,, diisttriictt,, branch uniions as wellll

as ffor tthe enttiire membershiip off BSNLEU,, and allso ffor allll tthe consttiittuentts off tthe

Uniitted Forum ffor besttowiing ttheiir sttead ffastt ffaiitth on tthe organiizattiion and allso ffor

successffulllly iimpllementtiing allll tthe calllls ffor acttiion ffor settttllementt off tthiis llandmark

wage reviisiion..

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