Sunday, June 20, 2010


[10.03.2010] GOOD NEWS ! WAGE REVISION APPROVED BY BSNL BOARD BSNL Board has approved the Wage Revision for non - executives in the meeting held

[09.03.2010] AIBDPA Leaders Meet Member (Finance), DoT at Chennai

Com. C.K. Narasimhan, Convenor, All India BSNL-DoT Pensioners Association, Tamil Nadu Circle met Smt. Vijaya Lakshmi Gupta, Member (Finance), DoT camp at Chennai and discussed the following issues.

(1) 50% IDA merger to BSNL pre-2007 retirees

Member (F) stated that a note has been sent to DoP&T and the reply is awaited, after which the issue will be processed. She agreed that there is full justification for 50% IDA merger.

(2) Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed in BSNL, who retired between 01.10.2000 and 31.07.2001 is also discussed.

Member told the issue has been sent to Department of Expenditure and reply is awaited.

Member (Finance) agreed to send a reminder to the Department of Expenditure.

(3) Delay in payment of IDA

A delay in payment of IDA is pointed out. Association suggested that IDA orders for pensioners may kindly be endorsed by DoT without delay as soon as the DPE issue orders on the subject. It can be placed on DoT website. If DoT authorizes the website orders as an authentic one, it is easy for the banks and post offices to draw the IDA. This suggestion has been agreed and Member (Finance) told that she will look into the case positively.

The meeting was cordial and very positive. Association expressed its thanks to Member (Finance) for the meeting.

Press statement by the Central Trade Unions for making Jail Bharo and Satyagraha on 5th March, 2010 a grant success throughout the country

Press statement by the Central Trade Unions for making Jail Bharo and Satyagraha on 5th March, 2010 a grant success throughout the country

PRESS STATEMENT 05...03...2010

All tithe Central Trade Unions off the country, IINTUC, BMS, AIITUC, HMS, CIITU,

AIICCTU, AIIUTUC, UTUC, TUCC, have collectively launched agitation

Throughout the country from September 2009 mainly against unprecedented

Price rise, violation off labour laws, disinvestment off profit making public sector,

Job loss and failure off the Government to set up a national welfare fund for the

Agricultural and unorganized workers...

Today lakhs off workers are participating in Jail Bharo and Satyagraha in all

State capitals, industrial towns and even in district headquarters... More than 10

Lakh workers, as the report has come, are participating in the programme...

In Delhi thousands off workers waiving banners, placards mainly against

Price rise are participating in law violation programme led by

Dr... Sanjeeva

Reddy, MP, President, IINTUC, Shri Gurudas Das Gupta, MP, General

Secretary, AIITUC, Sheri Umraomal Purohit, General Secretary, HMS, Drr... M...K...

Pandhe, President, CIITU, Shri Tapan Sen, MP, Secretary, CIITU, Shri R...V...

Subbarrao, Vice--President, BMS, Shri S...P... Tewari, General Secretary, TUCC,

Shri R...K... Sharma, Secretary, AIIUTUC, Shri Abani Roy, MP, General Secretary,

UTUC and Shri Swap an Mukherrjjee, General Secretary, AIICCTU... Over ten

Thousand workers including the

Central Trade Unions leaders courted arrest...

The Central Trade Unions express deep anguish at the steep rise in

Taxation leading to increase in prices off petroleum products and also reduction

In subsidy for urea and other fertiilizers...

The Central Trade Unions in their meeting yesterday decided to meet

Shortly and decide the next phase off action to expand and intensify the


All the trade unions send their warm greetings to the working class for

Making Jail Bharo and Satyagraha today a great success and call upon them to

Be ready for the next phase off action...



Observe Centenary of International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2010 :- It was in 1910 that the decision to observe a day all over the World focusing on the demands of women was taken by the second international conference of socialist women held in Copenhagen. The origin of the International Women’s Day lies in the struggles of women workers against their exploitative working conditions and to assert their rights.

The Central Secretariat of BSNLEU met on 4th March, 2010 decided to observe the centenary year of International Women’s Day in a befitting manner together with fraternal organization. Massive campaign highlighting issues of working women of BSNL taken up and settled so far by the union and larger national issues viz. working women equal wage, 8 hrs work day, maternity benefits, control of prices and 33% reservation for women in legislatures etc. may be focused.

Tamil Nadu Circle Conference delegates donate Rs.75,000/- for CHQ building fund:- The Tamil Nadu Circle conference is being held at the port city of Tuticorin, from 27th February to 2nd March,2010. In his address to the conference, com.V.A.N.Namboodiri,GS, announced the decision of the Bhopal CEC meeting to purchase a new building for our union at New Delhi, as well as the decision to collect a building fund. Immediately after his speech, delegates attending the conference started voluntarily pouring donation for the building fund. An amount of Rs.75,080 was handed over to the General Secretary in the conference it self. CHQ salutes and congratulate the Tamil Nadu comrades for their spirit and good gesture.

West Bengal Circle union donate Rs.60,000/- for CHQ building fund:- Earlier West Bengal Circle Union in its conference held from 8th to 11th Jan’2010 had donated Rs.60,000/- only towards BSNLEU Building Fund as a first installment of the Circle Union.

[19.02.2010]Resolution on Wage Revision adopted in Bhopal CEC Meeting


above devellopmentt fforced BSNLEU and tthe UF tto reviive tthe callll ffor

ttwo days sttriike.. The sttriike tthatt ttook pllace on 19tth and 20tth Augustt’’2009 drew

ttremendous response ffrom tthe workers iinclludiing tthose bellongiing tto NFTE and

FNTO.. There iis no doubtt tthatt tthiis sttriike iis a miillesttone iin our ttrade uniion

movementt.. However,, NFTE and FNTO iinfformed tthe managementt iin wriittiing tthatt

tthey were nott parttiiciipattiing iin tthe sttriike.. Thus tthey have creatted an iindelliiblle sttaiin

on ttheiir uniions..

Even afftter tthe sttriike,, managementt conttiinued tto drag iitts ffeett,, wiitth tthe

hope tthatt BSNLEU woulld succumb tto tthe pressure and acceptt a tten years wage

settttllementt.. However,, BSNLEU was dettermiined nott tto acceptt tthatt condiittiion..

Meanwhiille NFTE and FNTO sttartted campaiigniing among tthe workers tto ffiillll up

decllarattiion fforms accepttiing tthe tterms and condiittiions off tthe managementt on

wage reviisiion.. However,, workers gave a ffiittttiing replly by iignoriing tthem..

The dettermiinattiion off BSNLEU and Uniitted Forum,, nott tto surrender tthe

iintterestt off tthe BSNL non-executtiives ffiinalllly compelllled tthe managementt tto come

around ffor a settttllementt.. Thus,, a broad understtandiing was reached iin tthe

meettiing off tthe Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee,, helld on 17-11-2009.. Managementt

gave up ttheiir iinsiisttence ffor a tten years wage settttllementt.. Botth siides agreed tthatt

tthe nextt wage reviisiion off tthe non-executtiives woulld be done ttogetther wiitth tthatt off

tthe executtiives..

IItt ttook ffew more weeks ffor ffiinalliizattiion off tthe new pay scalles,, siince tthe

scalles proposed by tthe managementt diid nott conttaiin suffffiiciienttlly llong spans tto

avoiid sttagnattiion.. Because off tthe ttough bargaiiniing made by BSNLEU and tthe

UF,, settttllementt on pay scalles was reached iin tthe meettiing helld on 15-01-2010..

Agreementt on recommendattiions off tthe Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee was siigned

botth by tthe managementt and tthe sttaffff siide on tthatt day iittsellff..

IItt iis perttiinentt tto menttiion here tthatt wage reviisiion iis sttiillll nott settttlled iin many

majjor PSUs.. Hence,, tthiis meettiing off tthe CEC congrattullattes tthe CHQ ffor ffiinalliiziing

tthe bestt possiiblle wage reviisiion under tthe giiven ciircumsttances.. Thiis CEC allso

pllaces on record iitt’’s ffullll appreciiattiion ffor tthe Ciirclle,, diisttriictt,, branch uniions as wellll

as ffor tthe enttiire membershiip off BSNLEU,, and allso ffor allll tthe consttiittuentts off tthe

Uniitted Forum ffor besttowiing ttheiir sttead ffastt ffaiitth on tthe organiizattiion and allso ffor

successffulllly iimpllementtiing allll tthe calllls ffor acttiion ffor settttllementt off tthiis llandmark

wage reviisiion..

MakeMake 5th March’’2010 Countrywiide

Satyagraha // Jaiill Bhoro

programme a grand success.

Thiis meettiing off tthe Centtrall Executtiive Commiittttee off BSNL Emplloyees

Uniion helld att Bhopall on 14-16 February’’2010,, nottes wiitth grave concern tthatt

ever siince tthe UPA-IIII Governmentt came tto power att tthe centtre,, tthe driive tto

iimpllementt neo-lliiberall glloballiizattiion polliiciies has gaiined seriious momenttum..

Governmentt has allready ttaken deciisiion tto enlliistt allll proffiitt makiing PSUs iin tthe

share markett wiitth10 tto 49 percentt share.. The salles proceed wiillll be uttiilliized tto

make up tthe revenue deffiiciitt off tthe Centtrall Governmentt.. BSNL iis allso iin tthe lliistt off

such PSUs..

Priices off allll essenttiiall;; commodiittiies are iincreasiing att an allarmiing ratte..

Thiis iis allso due tto tthe wrong and anttii-peoplle polliiciies off tthe governmentt..

There iis severe attttack on tthe riightt off tthe workiing cllass earned tthrough

susttaiined sttrugglles ffor nearlly a centtury.. The workers iin tthe unorganiized secttor

are tthe worstt sufffferers.. Allll tthese attttacks have been iinttensiiffiied ffollllowiing tthe

reducttiion off tthe sttrengtth off tthe Lefftt parttiies iin tthe presentt Lok Sabha.. The llefftt

parttiies were ablle tto sttallll many off tthese attttacks duriing UPA-II governmentt

because off tthe govtt..’’s dependence on tthem ffor surviivall.. Workiing cllass has been

ffiighttiing tthese anttii-peoplle polliiciies ffor llastt ttwo decades and iin tthe presentt

siittuattiion allso are nott prepared tto bow down ttheiir heads..

Thiis CEC meettiing nottes wiitth plleasure tthatt allll centtrall ttrade uniion

iinclludiing CIITU,, AIITUC,, IINTUC,, BMS ettc.. and iindusttriiall ffederattiions have ttaken

up tthe cause tto resiistt tthe onsllaughtt.. From tthe Nattiionall Conventtiion helld iin New

Dellhii on 14tth Septtember’’2009 phased programme on tthe ffollllowiing demands

were announced..


1.. Conttaiin priice riice off essenttiiall commodiittiies tthrough appropriiatte correcttiive

and uniiversall diisttriibuttiive measures;; conttaiin specullattiion iin commodiitty


2.. Take concrette proacttiive measures ffor emplloymentt prottecttiion iin tthe

recessiion sttriicken secttors allong wiitth tthe sttiimullus package beiing offffered

tto tthe concerned enttrepreneurs..

3.. Ensure sttriictt enfforcementt off allll basiic llabour llaws wiitthoutt any excepttiion or

exempttiion and sttriingentt puniittiive measures ffor viiollattiion off llabour llaws..

4.. Take stteps ffor removall off allll resttriicttiive proviisiions based on povertty lliine iin

respectt off elliigiibiilliitty ffor coverage off tthe schemes under tthe Unorganiized

Workers Sociiall Securiitty Actt 2008 and creatte Nattiionall Fund tto proviide ffor

Nattiionall Flloor Levell Sociiall Securiitty tto allll unorganiized secttor workers..

5.. Sttop diisiinvesttmentt off shares off Centtrall Publliic Secttor Entterpriise;; iinsttead

use ttheiir growiing reserve and surpllus ffor expansiion and moderniizattiion

purposes and allso ffor reviivall off siick Publliic Secttor Underttakiings..

The Centtrall Trade Uniions have jjoiinttlly calllled ffor counttrywiide Sattyagraha//

Jaiill Bhoro acttiion on 5tth March’’2010 tto achiieve tthe above demands and tto

reverse tthe anttii-peoplle polliiciies off tthe centtrall governmentt..

Thiis CEC meettiing off BSNLEU helld att Bhopall on 14-16 February’’2010 iin

keepiing wiitth tthe uniion’’s polliicy and ttradiittiion,, exttends ffullll supportt tto tthe above

demands and programme off acttiion.. Thiis CEC meettiing calllls upon allll

Ciirclle//Diisttriictt//Branches tto ttake ffullll iiniittiiattiive tto make tthe programme off 5tth

March’’2010 a grand success iin associiattiion wiitth Centtrall Trade Uniions and

Uniions off CPSUs att respecttiive llevells..