Sunday, June 20, 2010

MakeMake 5th March’’2010 Countrywiide

Satyagraha // Jaiill Bhoro

programme a grand success.

Thiis meettiing off tthe Centtrall Executtiive Commiittttee off BSNL Emplloyees

Uniion helld att Bhopall on 14-16 February’’2010,, nottes wiitth grave concern tthatt

ever siince tthe UPA-IIII Governmentt came tto power att tthe centtre,, tthe driive tto

iimpllementt neo-lliiberall glloballiizattiion polliiciies has gaiined seriious momenttum..

Governmentt has allready ttaken deciisiion tto enlliistt allll proffiitt makiing PSUs iin tthe

share markett wiitth10 tto 49 percentt share.. The salles proceed wiillll be uttiilliized tto

make up tthe revenue deffiiciitt off tthe Centtrall Governmentt.. BSNL iis allso iin tthe lliistt off

such PSUs..

Priices off allll essenttiiall;; commodiittiies are iincreasiing att an allarmiing ratte..

Thiis iis allso due tto tthe wrong and anttii-peoplle polliiciies off tthe governmentt..

There iis severe attttack on tthe riightt off tthe workiing cllass earned tthrough

susttaiined sttrugglles ffor nearlly a centtury.. The workers iin tthe unorganiized secttor

are tthe worstt sufffferers.. Allll tthese attttacks have been iinttensiiffiied ffollllowiing tthe

reducttiion off tthe sttrengtth off tthe Lefftt parttiies iin tthe presentt Lok Sabha.. The llefftt

parttiies were ablle tto sttallll many off tthese attttacks duriing UPA-II governmentt

because off tthe govtt..’’s dependence on tthem ffor surviivall.. Workiing cllass has been

ffiighttiing tthese anttii-peoplle polliiciies ffor llastt ttwo decades and iin tthe presentt

siittuattiion allso are nott prepared tto bow down ttheiir heads..

Thiis CEC meettiing nottes wiitth plleasure tthatt allll centtrall ttrade uniion

iinclludiing CIITU,, AIITUC,, IINTUC,, BMS ettc.. and iindusttriiall ffederattiions have ttaken

up tthe cause tto resiistt tthe onsllaughtt.. From tthe Nattiionall Conventtiion helld iin New

Dellhii on 14tth Septtember’’2009 phased programme on tthe ffollllowiing demands

were announced..


1.. Conttaiin priice riice off essenttiiall commodiittiies tthrough appropriiatte correcttiive

and uniiversall diisttriibuttiive measures;; conttaiin specullattiion iin commodiitty


2.. Take concrette proacttiive measures ffor emplloymentt prottecttiion iin tthe

recessiion sttriicken secttors allong wiitth tthe sttiimullus package beiing offffered

tto tthe concerned enttrepreneurs..

3.. Ensure sttriictt enfforcementt off allll basiic llabour llaws wiitthoutt any excepttiion or

exempttiion and sttriingentt puniittiive measures ffor viiollattiion off llabour llaws..

4.. Take stteps ffor removall off allll resttriicttiive proviisiions based on povertty lliine iin

respectt off elliigiibiilliitty ffor coverage off tthe schemes under tthe Unorganiized

Workers Sociiall Securiitty Actt 2008 and creatte Nattiionall Fund tto proviide ffor

Nattiionall Flloor Levell Sociiall Securiitty tto allll unorganiized secttor workers..

5.. Sttop diisiinvesttmentt off shares off Centtrall Publliic Secttor Entterpriise;; iinsttead

use ttheiir growiing reserve and surpllus ffor expansiion and moderniizattiion

purposes and allso ffor reviivall off siick Publliic Secttor Underttakiings..

The Centtrall Trade Uniions have jjoiinttlly calllled ffor counttrywiide Sattyagraha//

Jaiill Bhoro acttiion on 5tth March’’2010 tto achiieve tthe above demands and tto

reverse tthe anttii-peoplle polliiciies off tthe centtrall governmentt..

Thiis CEC meettiing off BSNLEU helld att Bhopall on 14-16 February’’2010 iin

keepiing wiitth tthe uniion’’s polliicy and ttradiittiion,, exttends ffullll supportt tto tthe above

demands and programme off acttiion.. Thiis CEC meettiing calllls upon allll

Ciirclle//Diisttriictt//Branches tto ttake ffullll iiniittiiattiive tto make tthe programme off 5tth

March’’2010 a grand success iin associiattiion wiitth Centtrall Trade Uniions and

Uniions off CPSUs att respecttiive llevells..

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